Euthanasia: How to Make the Decision?
The decision to euthanize a pet is one of the toughest decisions a pet owner will have to make and what can make this decision even harder, is sometimes knowing when it’s time. Please know that you are not alone, because even veterinarians, at times, have a hard time making the decision with their own pets! Sometimes deep down, we know when it’s time especially when your pet is obviously suffering, such as when they’re in congestive heart failure and having trouble breathing, or they have metastatic cancer and no longer are aware of their surroundings. But many times, it’s not so ‘black and white’. In this case, it can be beneficial having a more objective opinion from a family member or friend who know you and your pet, or having a discussion with your veterinarian who has the benefit of knowing the effects of the disease process on your pets quality of life. Additionally there are resources that can help such as the Quality of Life Questionnaire modeled after Dr. Alice Villalobos’ questionnaire, boarded veterinary oncologist. You may use this questionnaire to help assess your pets quality of life and obtain a numerical score to help assist in decision making:
In reality, there is usually not one single factor but a usually a combination of factors that should be considered when deciding when it’s time in most cases. For example, if you have a very elderly cat who becomes extremely distressed with car rides and vet visits, and yet is suffering symptoms at home such as vomiting, not eating and not interacting with the family, it may be kind to consider a peaceful transition at home rather than distressing the kitty with multiple vet visits, even if a definitive diagnosis is not found. Another example is an elderly dog that has symptoms of blindness, deafness, arthritis and difficulty ambulating who suddenly defecates and urinates in their bed. Though many dogs can be quite happy without their sight or hearing, the additional chronic disease symptoms and inability to maintain hygiene may be reasons to consider humane euthanasia. After nearly 15 years of performing pet euthanasia, each situation is very unique and is taken seriously and compassionately and should consider all factors when it comes to assessing a pet’s AND caretaker’s quality of life.
Once you and your veterinarian decide that your pet is suffering and is most likely to not make a recovery, home euthanasia offers you a way to end your beloved pet’s pain in the comfort of home.
Peaceful Passing is a service that specializes in offering at-home euthanasia, pet pickup of a passed on pet and aftercare services. The service believes in making your pet’s final moments as personal, pain-free, peaceful and calm as possible. At Peaceful Passing, you’ll be able to comfort and be present with your pet during their transition between life and death. So, if you start to notice any of the following behaviors, it may be time to consider a home pet euthanasia service in California.
Your pet is experiencing chronic pain that cannot be managed with medication (your veterinarian can help you decide if your pet is in pain)
- Your pet is vomiting intractable or has diarrhea that is causing significant weight loss or dehydration that cannot be managed with medication and further treatment is not an option
- Your pet has stopped eating and will only eat if you force feed them
- Your pet is incontinent to the level that she/he is frequently soiling themselves
- Your pet has lost all interest in his/her favorite activities, such as playing with other pets or toys, going for walks, eating treats or demanding attention from you or family members
- Your pet cannot stand on his own or falls down when trying to walk
- Your pet has chronic coughing and breathing issues
- Your pet has developed seizures that cannot be treated