Euthanasia is the process of quietly and humanely inducing the death of a pet. It is a method designed to put an end to your pet’s suffering, with minimal pain and distress involved. Only a pet owner can truly understand how a pet becomes an irreplaceable and integral part of a family. The process of deciding when your pet is ready to be put to sleep can be one of the hardest decisions to make. However, emotional support and the right preparation can help you make the right choice and help you cope with your decision.

Sometimes an accident, a sudden illness or any other pet health emergency can require your formerly healthy pet to be put to sleep without any warning. At other times, you’ll be able to sense – and your vet will be in a better position to confirm – that the end of your pet’s life is nearing. If you’re looking for a peaceful sendoff for your beloved pet, you can choose to do so with Peaceful Passing.


Peaceful Passing offers at-home pet euthanasia as well as aftercare and transfer of your dear pet to a crematorium if you choose. The service offers a veterinarian who comprehensively assesses your pet’s condition, which enables them to understand how to proceed forward. With a streamlined process in place, Peaceful Passing makes it easy for your pet to undergo home euthanasia. Although it’s never easy to let go of your beloved companion, your Peaceful Passing veterinarian can help make sure the final moments with your pet are as personal and calm as possible. So, whether you wish for them to perform the procedure by your pet’s favorite spot or in a sun-soaked garden, your Peaceful Passing veterinarian can comply with you and your pet’s wishes.


When your pet’s end of life starts to creep nearer, here are some of the decisions you might want to consider:

Your Role in The Process: This is one of the most important questions you have to ask yourself, as it’s entirely and deeply personal. Some of the elements you’ll have to consider are the following:

  • Do you wish to stay with your pet during the euthanasia process?
  • Do you wish to merely say goodbye to your pet and then leave once he/she is comfortably and deeply sedated?
  • Do you wish to involve children in the process?
  • Do you wish to view your pet’s body after the euthanasia, or is it something too much to bear for you?

Your Beloved Pet’s Final Resting Place: It is entirely up to your family to decide your pet’s final resting place. You can choose between getting your pet buried or cremated. And if you decide to cremate your pet, you may have to decide whether you wish to go ahead with a cost-effective communal cremation (no cremains returned) or a private cremation (cremains returned to you in an urn).

Postmortem Exam: You can decide to have a postmortem exam performed on your pet to establish the cause of an illness. This is called a Necropsy and should be performed by a board certified veterinarian pathologist. If this option seems right to you, please reach out to your Peaceful Passing veterinarian as well as the pathologist you have chosen and let them know. Oftentimes, special preparation is required and your pathologist will need laboratory records and any information to help with the post mortem exam interpretation.


It is important that each member of your family says their goodbyes to your pet. It is recommended that you all gather together and cherish the times you’ve spent together and the memories you’ve created. Moreover, you shouldn’t feel any sort of shame if you’re able to stay in the room while your pet is transitioning from life to death, as it’s understandable to be overcome with emotions.

You may want to sit with your pet so you can comfort them while the veterinarian guides your pet through the process. You’ll be required to sign a euthanasia consent form and pay for the appointment at the start of the visit. Your veterinarian will begin by giving your pet a relaxing sedative with a tiny needle. Your pet may feel a slight pinch from the needle if they’re hypersensitive but after 5-20 minutes (depending on how alert your pet is), she/he will begin to relax and possibly exhibit some of the symptoms below which can include:

  • Twitching
  • Deep respiratory breaths
  • The tongue may be visible as your pet relaxes
  • Your pets eyes may not fully close
  • They may relax their bladder and/or bowels

This can be upsetting for some, but it’s a normal part of the process whether death is natural or assisted.

After your pet is deeply asleep and not likely to feel a toe squeeze, your vet will proceed with the final step by giving a medication only reserved for this purpose. It further guides your pet into a deep anesthesia before your pet peacefully passes. This final step takes about 2- 3 minutes. Once your vet finishes giving all of the final medication, he/she will take some time to listen before announcing that your pet is ‘no longer in pain’ or ‘suffering’ and has peacefully passed…a Final Gift.